Binary watch
By Fred Muller
- 10
- January 11, 2009
Spent my (western) New Year visiting my family and shopping in Hong Kong – great sales by the way, even at normal price every branded stuff is way cheaper than ...
Dokuwiki on Debian
By Fred Muller
- 4
- January 10, 2009
Went through my n+1 installation of my preferred wiki, dokuwiki on a Debian server and for the first time run into a small error, a warning actually, that would systematically ...
Gdium One Laptop Per Hacker Program
By Fred Muller
- 9
- December 25, 2008
Seems like this Christmas will bring me a great gift: my time back! As you might have noticed I haven’t been able to write much, nor was I able to ...
Meeting with Shanghai LUGs
By Fred Muller
- 0
- September 14, 2008
Time just flies! August meant a lot of travelling for me, as well as getting my hands dirty with the making of the Gdium and shipping out all the Software ...
Switched to Mandriva…
By Fred Muller
- 6
- July 27, 2008
I finally did it! Been talking about ditching Ubuntu for ages and never found the time (you know… backup, new install, restore, get familiar, etc.). It turns out that last ...
Starting to get SFD schwag samples
By Fred Muller
- 7
- July 22, 2008
Thanks to our successful Software Freedom Day event last year I am now a Software Freedom International board member. SFI is the non-profit organization behind Software Freedom Day, the group ...
Meeting with Mozilla Europe
By Fred Muller
- 2
- July 17, 2008
As mentioned previously I had the opportunity to meet and discuss with Tristan Nitot, Mozilla Europe President, while in Paris. We exchanged views and tactics about web standards promotion and ...
Back in town!
By Fred Muller
- 1
- July 10, 2008
After 2 weeks in France I am finally back in Beijing and so happy to be here! The way back was rather hectic due to bad subway/train fare charging and ...
One more application fully localized, one started!
By Fred Muller
- 0
- May 29, 2008
Still actually working on that new project of mine, we (Pockey and I) finished Gcompris localization in Chinese last Saturday. Ok, most of the work was done with 98% completed, ...
Localizing HTML documents
By Fred Muller
- 4
- May 28, 2008
Continuing my search into internationalizing and localizing the 48 lessons for RUR-PLE and asking all around I have raised a few very meaningful feedbacks from my community: it’s a lot ...