Lemote sponsorship of GNOME.Asia Summit 2009
By Fred Muller
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- November 24, 2009
As some of you know, both Pockey and I were at the GNOME.Asia Summit in Ho Chi Minh City this month. A lot of things happened and I will have ...
First snow in Beijing
By Fred Muller
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- November 2, 2009
Just as a reminder to myself, this year is the first time since I live in Beijing (winter 2002-2003) that I witness heavy snow (30cm) so early. It actually snowed ...
Linux gaming business opportunities?
By Fred Muller
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- October 15, 2009
As an occasional reader of The Linux Game Tome I just stumbled upon a very interesting article about Linux and indie games: Indie game developer Koonsolo just revealed some surprising ...
SFD 2009 Packing Video
By Fred Muller
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- September 17, 2009
I would like to extend a HUGE thank you to Daniel for making the SFD Schwag Packing Video this year. Daniel actually already did the Beijing SFD 2007 video which ...
Packing SFD 2009 schwags
By Fred Muller
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- August 18, 2009
For the second consecutive year, BLUG is packing the schwags that pre-registered SFD teams are entitled to. We’re actually having 12% more pre-registered team this year with a very different ...
Summer news
By Fred Muller
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- August 11, 2009
Everyone is probably enjoying the summer, and preparations for Software Freedom Day are starting. Schwags are being made and the great guys & gals from the Beijing LUG will as ...
Getting cnchess to properly display Chinese characters
By Fred Muller
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- July 8, 2009
For those of you knowing how to play Chinese chess there is a Chinese application (Qt based) which is installed by default in Red Flag Linux and works very well ...
Open Source Open World China, 2009
By Fred Muller
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- July 2, 2009
Spent the first 2 days of the week at Open Source Open World, 2009 which is one of THE Open Source conferences in China to attend and had the chance ...
Mplayer, a Webcam and ASCII Art
By Fred Muller
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- June 12, 2009
While discussing education and Open Source in Cambodia with a friend from the Phnom Penh LUG he gave me a little trick to play with mplayer if you have a ...
Qingdao LUG meeting
By Fred Muller
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- May 26, 2009
I had the chance to visit the beautiful coastal city of Qingdao over the weekend and meet our fellows from the Qingdao LUG. They actually met just for me (so ...